
Here you can find an overview of all press releases, news and announcements of our research unit.
ajModels & Methods Workshop 2025

On February 13/14, 2025, our research group came together at this year's M&M workshop to discuss the status of their work. You can find the program here.

Models & Methods Workshop
ajWomen in Intermediary Asset Pricing (WIAP) Research Grant

We are offering a research grant worth 5000 euros for the third time until 31.12.24. The grant is aimed at (young) female researchers in the field of asset pricing who are interested in the area of intermediary asset pricing. We look forward to receiving your application!

Jobs and Opportunities
ajBest Paper Award of the 30th Annual Conference of the DGF 2024

Two doctoral students from our research unit, Franziska Weishaupt (University of Stuttgart) and Philipp Höfler (Goethe University Frankfurt), won the Best Paper Award with their working papers at the 30th Annual Meeting of the German Finance Association. We are delighted for them!

ajOur research group at the 30th Annual Conference of the DGF in Aachen

Many members of our research unit attended the 30th Annual Conference of the German Finance Association (DGF) in Aachen at the end of September. The working papers of two doctoral students from our research unit even won the Best Paper Award! We are delighted with their success!

ajPoster session of the research group at the 11th SAFE Asset Pricing Workshop

On September 24, 2024, the PhD students of our research unit once again had the opportunity to present their research projects in a poster session at the SAFE Asset Pricing Workshop. You can find the program here.

ajInternal Seminar 2024

This year's Internal Seminar took place on September 16/17, 2014 at the Vienna University of Economics and Business. Despite traffic problems because of flood warning, a large part of the research group was on site, those who stayed away could join online. You can find the program here!

Internal seminar
idWIAP – Women in Intermediary Asset Pricing

A special event aimed at promoting gender equality among scientists and fostering diversity in the field of finance took place on 16th May 2024 at the Goethe University. 

PhD-Lecture and WIAP Seminar
ajPhD Workshop 2024

Our PhD workshop 2024 will take place on May 8, 2024, in Karlsruhe. Here you can find the schedule.

PhD Workshop
ajJob advertisement of the Goethe University Frankfurt am Main

The Goethe University Frankfurt am Main has a vacancy for a Post Doc starting on 1st April 2024. You can find the job advertisement here.

Jobs and Opportunities
weltPress on one of our working papers

Our working paper "Passive Investing and Market Quality" resonated in the media and was commented on in Bloomberg, Morningstar , Die Welt and Business Insider.

Subproject A13
ajM&M Workshop 2024

Our next Models & Methods Workshop will take place on February 15/16, 2024. We are looking forward to an interesting and stimulating workshop with many presentations on our subprojects!

M&M Workshops
St. BernhardInternal Seminar 2023

On November 16-17, 2023, this year's Internal Seminar will again take place in Rastatt. You can find the schedule here.

Current Events
aj1st Symposium IAP

Our 1st symposium took place together with the 10th. SAFE Asset Pricing Workshop at Goethe University Frankfurt. During our conference, members of the research unit held presentations, some of the research unit's papers were presented in the poster session.

Symposium IAP
1234PhD Lecture at the WU Vienna

On September 18/19, 2023, PhD students from our research group travelled to Vienna to attend the PhD Lecture at the WU Vienna.

PhD Lecture
ajWomen in Intermediary Asset Pricing (WIAP) Research Grant

We are inviting applications for a research grant of 5000 Euro until 30/09/23. The grant is aimed at (junior) female researchers in the field of asset pricing who are specially interested in the field of intermediary asset pricing. We are looking forward to your application!

Jobs and Opportunities
ajLecture by Valentin Haddad on 20.06.2023 in Frankfurt a.M.

On June 20, 2023, we are pleased to welcome Valentin Haddad to the Finance Seminar at Goethe University Frankfurt a.M.. Valentin Haddad is a Professor at the UCLA Anderson School of Management and a Research Fellow at the National Bureau of Economic Research. One of his research interests is intermediary-based asset pricing, on which he will also give a talk .

Current Events
123Call for papers for our symposium

Our biannual symposium will be held this year together with the SAFE Asset Pricing Workshop on 26th september 2023 in Frankfurt am Main. We cordially invite researchers in the field of (intermediary-based) asset pricing to submit their papers here by 31th may 2023.

Symposium IAP
1M&M Workshop 2023

Our M&M Workshop 2023 took place on 23rd and 24th february in Karlsruhe as last year. Many interesting projects has been presentated. Our PhD Workshop 2023 is already in planning! 

123Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

We wish all members of our research group as well as our cooperation partners and all interested persons in our work a Merry Christmas and all the best for 2023!

12345Women in Intermediary Asset Pricing (WIAP) Research Grant for Dr. Aleksandra Rzeźnik

We are very pleased to announce that Aleksandra Rzeźnik, Assistant Professor from the Schulich School of Business at York University in Toronto, will receive our Research Grant! Congratulations! We are looking forward to her visit in the coming year!

Jobs and Opportunities
ajInternal Seminar 2022

On November 17-18, 2022, our first Internal Seminar took place at the Bildungshaus St. Bernhard in Rastatt.

grantWomen in Intermediary Asset Pricing (WIAP) Research Grant

We are inviting applications for a research grant of 5000 Euro until 31/08/22. The grant is aimed at (junior) female researchers in the field of asset pricing who are specially interested in the field of intermediary asset pricing. We are looking forward to your application!

Jobs and Opportunities
aThe first workshops of the research unit take place in May

The first joint workshops of the research unit will take place on May 12-13, 2022. On May 12, there will be a PhD workshop at KIT, bringing together all the doctoral students involved in the research unit. One day later, on May 13, a Methods & Models Workshop will take place, also at KIT. The focus will be on fundamentals and advanced models of intermediary asset pricing as well as solution methods for equilibrium models.

eeOur research unit gets going

The German Research Foundation (DFG) has established eight new research units. This decision was recommended by the DFG senate and made official by the DFG Major Committee on December 9, 2021. Among these eight units is the research unit "Financial Markets and Frictions - An Intermediary Asset Pricing Approach" with spokesperson Prof. Dr. Marliese Uhrig-Homburg (KIT). This research unit, funded within the D-A-CH cooperation together with the Austrian FWF, is borne by finance researchers from Karlsruhe, Frankfurt, Tübingen, Stuttgart, Münster and Vienna and will be funded with about 3.5 million Euros in the first 4 years.

Our research unit